National Constitution Day

‘Constitution is not a mere lawyer’s document, it is the vehicle of life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.’
26th November has been declared, by the government, as the National Constitution Day. It was on this day in 1949 that the Indian Constitution was adopted exactly two months before it came into force on 26th January, 1951.

To mark the significance of this day, a Special Assembly was conducted by Grade XI/XII humanities students under the guidance of our Principal(Chakrapani Sir), Pooja ma’am and Pinky ma’am.
Students of Humanities staged a short but educative skit that focused on the need to have a Constitution, the procedure of drafting and enforcement of the same. There was a brief Constitution Day speech to apprise everyone of the features of our Constitution and how it guides the governance of the nation.
There was a special Dance Act form by Purtha (GradeXI) on ” Mein Naye Bharat ka Chera Hun”. All Staff and students took the pledge on Constitution Day.

Justice, liberty, equality, fraternity.
May our dream of a new tomorrow come true for us.

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