Teacher’s Training Program
On 7th June 24, ASIS GROUP of schools Bhavnagar had organised a workshop for pre primary and primary teachers on topic POSITIVE DISCIPLINE IN THE CLASSROOM by Mr. Shanti Swaroop director of L’avenir Education and Training Solutions.
The programme was coordinated by Principals and vice principals of ASIS GROUP of school. The programme started with inaugural function graced by Mr Shanti Swaroop and Ms Heema. The programme started with a welcome address by Ms Namita. The work shop enhanced the knowledge of educators. The session provided a powerful and engaging learning experience through various activities by there source person. Educators enthusiastically participated in all the activities.
Thus, the workshop was not only engaging but highly invigorating for the teachers.
The speaker mentioned the necessity for students’ development. The main objective of the workshop was capacity building of positive class discipline with the help of school teachers and people working in the education discipline.
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