VEIN VEry INteresting - Thinking Allowed vs Aloud

VEIN VEry INteresting – Thinking Allowed vs Aloud

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited.” – Plutarch

Silver Bells Public School has a secret weapon in the form of a Professor, Mr. Phil Greene. He not only fuels the imagination of his pupils, but also molds them into proficient beings, that confidently stride through life on their own terms.

“Thinking Allowed Aloud” is an example of one such exemplary event that we had the good fortune to feast our eyes on. The students of grade VII were trained by their seniors from grade XI and the format of the show perfectly matched the attention span of the millennials and the centennials. 20+ students, in under a minute, presented their topics that ranged from the Vitruvian man to AI turning sentient! Not only that, to keep the audiences hooked, they also had innovative science experiments, dance and singing performances.

We all returned home having had our fair share of learning and entertainment. Don’t miss the next one! I wouldn’t.

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