World Blood Donor Day – Special Assembly

Special assembly
World blood donor 🩸 day
Date 14.6.2024

A fluid of life, a gift so rare.
Flowing through veins, beyond compare.
With every beat, a story unfolds.
Of love,of hope,of lives to be told.
A drop of blood, 🩸 a life to save.
A donation offered, a hero made.
A gift of life, passed on with grace.
A selfless act, brings smile on the face.
Today’s special assembly was dedicated to a cause that embodies the spirit of giving…. The blood donor day.

A wonderful skit was presented answering all the questions we have regarding threats to a donor’s life. The assembly was not just to learn about the importance of donating blood but to celebrate the selflessness displayed by the donors that fuels the life saving act. This is a way to make a profound difference in someone else’s life. On this day we celebrate The willingness of those who give, the lives they save. With every single act countless lives are rescued. Thus hope is renewed. So let us honour, and let us share, The power of giving, the love and care. Let’s do the honours And congratulate the voluntary donors, On The World Blood Donors Day.

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