British Council Exhibition

British Council Exhibition

British Council Exhibition

The Students of Std VII, Silver Bells Public School conducted an exhibition on different dance forms of countries U.K, Brazil, Israel on Friday the 22nd of November in the Year 2013.
In the month of August when the students were told about the Project, they were very excited to execute the exhibition. There was a very quick response from the students surfing the net, knowing about the different dance forms, the details regarding their costumes, event of the dances were all planned and noted. All these were very enthusiastically done by the students. They took the different countries’ dance forms, group-wise to prepare the charts.
Finally, many photos and surveys and detailed information on these dance forms were submitted, students formed groups and made these charts very creatively and enthusiastically giving the details of the respective countries and its costumes.
On the day of exhibition, every student actively participated in conducting the exhibition. The students presented good introduction of the dance forms, to all the visitors, answering their queries.
The review book was full of appreciation for the efforts of the students and the teachers, concerned, we are very thankful to our co-teachers of Std VII for their kind co-operation. We are grateful to the Principal, Vice Principal and Kashish ma’am too for providing such an international exposure to the students.
It was a very good experience for all of us the teachers as well as Students.

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